The present study attempted to develop and validate the adolescents mobile phone addiction scale. Participants for the adolescents mobile phone addiction scale were 456 high school students. Using factor analysis, 32 items were finally selected for the adolescents mobile addiction scale. The internal consistency(Cronbach ⍺) was .94. The scale extracted 4 factors: endurance and withdrawl, life difficulty, compulsion and preoccupation. It was confirmed the concurrent validity of the scale by self-control, impulsivity, loness, and depression, all of which have been validated by previous research. In conclusion, the adolescents mobile phone addiction scale appears to be a highly reliable and valid measure of mobile phone addicted adolescents. The results of AMOS analyses show that the existing samples were supported by the data from the cross-validation. Finally, we discussed the limitation of this study and the direction of future research.
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