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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Patterns of Rapid Response and Choice Impulsivity in Young Adults with Smart-Phone Addiction Tendencies

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2017, v.22 no.3, pp.779-798


The purpose of this study was to investigate the differential patterns of Rapid-Response Impulsivity (RRI) and Choice Impulsivity (CI) in undergraduate students with a smartphone addiction, as compared with the control subjects. Prior to the study, 30 participants were randomly selected among 618; these participants performed a Continuous Performance Task (CPT), a Stop Signal Task (SST), and an Experiential Discounting Task (EDT) through both a computer and a smartphone. The result of the analysis on the neuropsychological tasks showed significant correlations and no significant differences between the smartphone and the computer, suggesting that it is possible to use CPT, SST, and EDT wth a smartphone. In the study, the smartphone addiction tendencies group(n=27) and the control group(n=28) were selected among 618 students, based on their results on the SAS-B, and performed the CPT, the SST, and the EDT. In comparison with the control group, the smartphone addiction tendencies group showed more commission errors in the CPT, higher SSRT in the SST, and lower AUC in the EDT. In particular, the smartphone addiction tendencies group showed increased ommission errors in the CPT, and SSRT in the SST on the smartphone than the computer, while no significant differences were observed among the control group. The results of this study suggest that individuals with smartphone addiction tendencies have difficulties in refraining from action initiation or stopping an ongoing action, as well as difficulties in delaying gratification or exerting self control; we conclude that smartphone addiction might be regarded as a subtype of behavioral addiction.

스마트폰, 스마트폰 중독, 즉각 반응 충동성, 선택 충동성, 스마트폰 기반 과제, smartphone, smartphone addiction, rapid response impulsivity, choice impulsivity, smartphone based task



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology