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Vol.12 No.1

Joon-Mo Kwon(Kyunghee University) ; Hoon-Koo Lee(Depatment of Psychology, Yonsei University) ; Soo-Jung Lee(Depatment of Psychology, Yonsei University) pp.1-36

The psychologists studying learning, memory, and decision making have regarded human beings as organisms having rational, intentional, and conscious control over their thoughts and decisions. Until 1970s, social psychologists also, following the position of rationalim, have believed that people, as rationalistic and naive scientists (Heider, 1958), make a conscious judgement of their environment according to a series of rules and regulations. However, recent empirical studies found lots of psychological phenomena, occurred without any conscious awareness and intention, inexplicable by the rationalistic model over thoughts and behaviors of human beings. Furthermore, some researches present a large amount of prejudice and stereotype is implicitly applied and hard to be controlled. This literature review explained how thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors are able to be automatically activated without intentions or even without conscious awareness. Also, it is discussed how emotions and cognitive inferences are made without conscious processes.

Eun-Yeong Na(Chonbok National University) pp.37-70

A theoretical extension of the dual process model (e.g., elaboration likelihood model, ELM) of attitude change was attempted to include the negatively biased processing of strong attitudes. It was assumed that the default level of involvement and arousal (i.e., integral affect) was high in strong attitudes, which might hinder the objective processing of strong attitudes. Instead of ELM'S "high involvement → high elaboration" assumption, the extended model postulated a process of "medium involvement → high elaboration → objective processing." This implies that not only low involvement but also extremely high involvement may impede the objective processing. Thus, strong attitudes' resistance to change should be attributed to a highly motivated processing caused by a very high motivation to keep one's original position, rather than to an absent-minded peripheral processing assumed by ELM. Efforts were also made to show that the extended "three-level attitude change framework" could effectively explain various concepts related to strong attitudes such as cognitive elaboration, emotional commitment, motivation, and ego-involvement, as well as encompass the stereotype concept which might be considered as a kind of group-relevant strong attitudes. After the comparison of the new framework with the traditional social judgment theory, a final discussion on the measurement of the strengths of attitudes was added for empirical validation of the extended framework in future.

Dong-Jik Kim(Department of Psychology, Korea University) ; Seong-Yeul Han(Department of Psychology, Korea University) pp.71-93

Western cultures conceive of the self as an independent entity containing idiosyncratic disposition. So psychologies of Western cultures have stressed the importance of the development of individuality, autonomy, independence, achievement motivation, and identity as essential components of psychological maturity. And then Western overemphasis on individualistic values has led to consider relatedness as a weakness or even as pathological. However, many writers agree that the relation of individuality and relatedness is orthogonal rather than unidimensinal. In spite of many writers' agreement, there was no attempt to measure individuality and relatedness as multidimensional variables. We construct Individuality-Relatedness Scale on the assumption that two variables are orthogonal dimensions rather than opposite poles of one dimension. We found positive correlation between individuality and relatedness(r=.21, p<.001). And each correlation between individuality and self-esteem, and between relatedness and self-esteem was significant(r=.42, p<.001; r=.39, p<.001). Dependency correlated only with individuality(r=-.75, p<.001). Both individuality and relatedness were negatively correlated with loneliness(r=-.39, p<.001; r=-.67, p<.001). We assigned each participant to one among four groups on the base of median values of Individuality-Relatedness Scale and found significant group differences in self-esteem, dependency, and loneliness.

Sang-Won Byun(Dept. of Industrial & Organizational Psychology, SungKyunKwan Univ.) ; Doug-Woong Hahn(Dept. of Industrial & Organizational Psychology, SungKyunKwan Univ.) pp.95-115

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of self-categorization, criticality of group reward and expectancy for other member's cooperation on the cooperative choice in the solution of social dilemma. It was hypothesized that the cooperative choice for collective interests will be maximized as function of group identification, perceived criticality for the group outcomes and the expectancy of other member's cooperation. The 3 way interaction effect was also predicted. To testify the hypothesis two experiments were conducted in two different types of social dilemma, ie, public goods dilemma and quasi common resource dilemma. 192 college students participated in one of two experiments. The results of the experiments showed that the cooperative choice increased in intergroup comparison condition than in interpersonal comparison condition. It was also shown that there was linear relationship between the criticality and the level of the cooperative choice. The predicted 3 way interaction effect of self-categorization, criticality of group reward and cooperation expectancy was only partly supported in experiment II. Simple interaction analysis revealed that two way interaction effect of self-categorization and cooperation expectancy was statistically significant only in low criticality condition.

Mi-Young Ahn(Pusan National University) pp.117-135

The effects of two variables in the interpersonal misunderstandings were investigated, the level of self-esteem and the criterion of self-evaluation. In the Study 1, two personal variables, the levels of self-esteem and the need for affiliation, were investigated. It was found that the subjects with low self-esteem had more self-referent thoughts than the subjects with high self-esteem. Also, the subjects with high self-esteem and low need for affiliation(or low level of sensitivity to rejection) had the least self-referent thoughts. In the Study 2, relative or absolute criterion of self-evaluation was activated in advance of responding to the situations of eliciting interpersonal misunderstandings. The effect of the level of self-esteem found in the Study 1 became more peculiar in the condition when the relative criterion of self-evaluation was activated, whereas it was not found when the absolute criterion of self-evaluation was activated. In the control condition(irrelevant thoughts were activated), the results was positioned in between these two conditions. Impications were discussed.

Eun-Jung Lee(Department of Psychology, Yonsei University) ; Hoon-Koo Lee(Department of Psychology, Yonsei University) pp.137-150

This study was performed to examine the influence of mood type, mood awareness and task importance on mood regulation. 208 Subjects(141 male, 67 female) participated in a 3(mood type: negative, neutral, positive) x 2(mood awareness: aware, unaware) x 2(task importance: important, unimportant) intergroup factorial designed experiment. The dependent measures of experiment were music selection and autobiographic memory recall. First of all, the influence of task importance on memory recall was observed. Subjects in the important task condition recalled fewer numbers of angry memories than subjects in the unimportant task condition. Secondly, the interaction effect between mood type and task importance on memory recall was observed. Subjects in the negative mood condition who were asked to perform important task recalled more numbers of happy memories. Subjects in the neutral mood condition who were asked to perform unimportant task recalled more numbers of happy memories. But against the expectation, the influence of mood type had no effect. Though subjects in the negative and positive mood conditions both selected relaxant as well as happy music, whereas subjects in the neutral mood condition selected relaxant music, they had no statistical meaning. And unexpectedly, subjects in the negative mood condition recalled more numbers of sad memories. Also the manipulation of mood awareness had no apparent effect, and three possible reasons were considered.

Hae-Gyoung Lee(Department of Education, Hanyang University) ; Soo-Won Lee(Department of Education, Hanyang University) pp.151-167

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of social categorization on impression integration. It is hypothesized that individuals which are identified with ingroup occur perspective reduction because individuals judge given informations with one criteria of the ingroup values, so they can't perceive differently the descriptive meaning and the evaluative meaning. On the other hand, it is hypothesized that individuals which are identified with each individual occur perspective extension because individuals judge given informations with two or multi criteria of in-outgroup values, so they can perceive differently the descriptive meaning and the evaluative meaning. To test this hypothesis, subjects were divided into two groups, categorization and decategorization condition. Subjects in categorization condition were manupulated to identify themselves with gender role by making gender category be salient. In contrast, subjects in decategorization condition were manupulated to identify themselves with each individual by eliminating the boundary of male and female categorys. Subjects was given congruent infomation and incongruuent infomation in evaluative meaning and descriptive meaning of personality traits, respectively, and then subjects judged impression in evaluative demension and descriptive demension, respectively. In results, First, according to congruent information analysis, subjects in categorization condition can not perceive differently the evaluative meaning and the descriptive meaning in impression integration. That is, the subjects integrated impression based on evaluative meaning when rating demension was both evaluative dimension and descriptive dimension. In contrast, subjects in decategorization condition can perceived differently the descriptive meaning and the evaluative meaning in impression integration. That is, the subjects integrated impression based on evaluative meaning when rating dimension was evaluative dimension, and based on descriptive meaning when rating dimension was descriptive dimension. Second, according to incongruent information analysis, subjects in categorization condition integrated impression based on evaluative meaning when personality traits consisted of congruent traits in the evaluative meaning and incongruent traits in the descriptive meaning. In contrast, subjects in decategorization condition integrated impression based on descriptive meaning when personality traits consisted of congruent traits in the descriptive meaning and incongruent traits in the evaluative meaning. Therefore the hypotheses in this study were confirmed by the given experimental data.

Geung-Ho Cho(Sogang University) ; So-Yeon Kim(Sogang University) pp.169-189

This article deals with the phenomena to prefer the modesty-biased attributer (the person who attributes the causes of personal success to situational factors such as the assistance from others and the causes of failure to internal factors such as the lack of one's own abilities) to the self-enhancing attributer (the person who attributes in the opposite direction from the modesty-biased attributer) in Korean culture. In experiment 1, it was found that the modesty bias m attribution and the preference for such attributer were displayed in Korean office workers. In experiment 2, it was found that such phenomena were prevalent in Korean allocentric students, but not in idiocentrics. These results implicates that modesty is the cultural code in collectivist cultures like Korea. On the basis of these facts, some relevant topics of future researches were discussed.

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology