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Vol.25 No.4


In this study, the method was sought that all the parties of the multilateral negotiation in interest conflict can win together without anyone to take advantage or handicap. The method that used very well in the negotiations is logrolling method that every party in negotiation sticks their most important issues and concedes the less important one to the another party. This method works best, because it gives better outcomes than general bargaining, and is known as a very superior method, is widely used in the actual negotiation also. However, logrolling was being invested and used quite in bilateral relations, but whether it can be applied to multilateral negotiations has not been studied well yet, except for some works (e.g. Binder, 2005, Binder & Diehl,2008). In this study was complemented Binders research and examined the issues through experimental research on the multilateral negotiations and invested under what conditions it can be conduce to optimal resolution. Results of three rounds of the studies of the experiment are as follows:1. Difficulties of multilateral negotiation grows with the increase the number of parties to negotiate and the increasing complexity of the conflict structure, the negotiation results are also suboptimal. 2. The more important than the number of negotiators matters is the complexity of the interest structure. While the main point of logrolling, to yield less important interest to win the more important interest, is relatively easy to understand and also actually well used, the reverse logrolling methods, to yield the most important interest for the benefits of all parties is difficult to understand, not acceptable, and difficult to practice. Information change and accountability for the negotiation’s success enhance the negotiation behavior, but not optimal. 3. It has been tried to reach the optimal results by the ingroup-leader and the mediation by third person. Mediator ist more effective than ingroup-leader of negotiators. Therefore, for the enhancing of the use of reverse logrolling methods it is necessary a variety of ways to try.


The present study proposes that probability (How likely is an event X to happen) would influence how people make moral decisions. When an event is unlikely, due to their uncertain and abstract nature, psychological distance is augmented and people construe these events in terms of general moral principles rather than attenuating situation-specific considerations. On the other hand, when an event is highly likely, psychological distance decreases, leading people to consider specific situational costs and benefits. 3 studies test these assumptions. Study 1 confirms probability as one dimension of psychological distance. Building on study 1, study 2 and 3 test the effect of probability in willingness to conduct positive and negative moral behavior. As predicted, when probability is low, people are more willing to act according to moral principles, exhibiting higher willingness for positive moral behavior and less willingness in being involved with negative moral behavior.


Of all major crimes, homicide investigation requires the greatest effort on the part of the Police(Becker, 2000). This study aim that what’s component of crime scene behavior of homicide in Korea, how can separate in thematic behavior from crime scene behavior of homicide, For decrease errors of uncertainty of investigators that turn crime scene out. Data for analysis use 971cases of murder and attempted murder, 2006-2010 and analysing execute by crime scene behavior variable of 33. As result, it’s appropriate distribution of three region rather than distribution of two region(expressive vs instrumental) consistent with previous studies. First is the Expressive_Disorganized Homicides, including most of cases and it’s not different in murder weapon and injury position. Second, it’s include motive of expressive, but offender may have been anticipating a confrontation with the victim and/or had previous experience relating to violent confrontation. This region shall be called Expressive_Organized Homicides. Last is the Instrumental Homicides with Sexual crime. Distributing on three region of data, forensic awareness play the role of locomotive. This action have been regard as instrumental action. But wether or not influenced by TV shows such as CSI or Law and Order, contemporary people is now more aware of these forensic techniques(Stevens, 2008). This study prove forensic awareness behavior is able to affect the effect of disinhibitor(Beauregard & Bouchard, 2010). In other words, it can be increase that possibility,general people do homicide. Consequentially, generalization of this behavior can distribution between Korea’ crime scene behavior of homicide and the others, in theoretical and investigative.


Self-enhancement and its implications for individual adjustment were investigated in this study. A total of 386undergraduate students rated themselves and others in their groups on the extent to which they actively participate in their group-based task. Using the scores of self-rating, rating by others, and rating of others, three self-enhancement indices were computed such as self-insight index (comparing self-rating with ratings by others), social comparison index (comparing self-rating with ratings of others), and social relations model index (subtracting perceiver effect and target effect from self-rating). The results of this study showed that self-insight index correlated positively with self-esteem and emotional stability, and negatively with individual performance. Social comparison index showed positive correlation with self-esteem and life satisfaction. In contrast to the self-insight index, social comparison index correlated positively with individual performance. SRM index showed positive correlation with only self-esteem. According to the degree of self-rating, rating by others, and rating of others, individuals were also classified into four groups as in-agreement/high raters, in-agreement/low raters,self-enhancers, and self-effacers. To investigate the difference between groups in terms of individual adjustment,one-way ANOVAs and post-hoc analysis were used. The findings suggest that the relationships between self-enhancement and individual adjustment vary with both self-enhancement indices and individual adjustment measures.


If a witness heard just an offender’s voice, the witness would identify the offender’s voice in audio line-up. But before the audio line-up, earwitnesses are usually asked to verbally describe the offender’s voice. Verbal description of offender’s voice bears risk to the verbal overshadowing effect(VOE) which reduces identification accuracy because of the disparity of perceptual modality of two tasks(verbal description and retrieval). In this study, three hypotheses were tested. The first hypothesis was that although the target voice and the foils were made of different contents in audio line-up, verbally describing the offender’s voice might induce the VOE. The second hypothesis was that eye-closure instruction would make the accuracy rate of identification higher. The third hypothesis was that eye-closure instruction to earwitness in audio line-up could make him/her overcome VOE. In our experiment participants saw a mock robbery crime scene in a video clip. Then they performed different tasks(verbal description, control) and audio line-up in different conditions(eye-closure, control). Results were that verbal description didn’t induce VOE contrary to our expectation, and that eye-closure group was more accurate in identifying the offender’s voice than control group. But it was not clear whether or not eye-closure instruction made earwitnesses overcome VOE. Future research directions are discussed.


Moral foundations theory(Haidt & Joseph, 2004) suggests that morality include authority/respect, ingoup/loyalty,purity/sanctity as well as harm/care and fairness/reciprocity and explains that there are disparities between liberals and conservatives among those moral foundations. The purpose of this study is aimed to explore that liberals and conservatives make decisions with different moral foundations on controversial social event, Yong-san tragedy. After conducting individual and group interviews, study 1 identified 14 concepts related with Yong-san tragedy(justice, unequal, harm, protect, safety, rights, brutal, obedience, order, illegal, control, development capital,left-wing, Yong-san tragedy). In Study 2, social network analysis reveals liberals possess larger and more complicated schema than conservatives. Moreover, whereas liberals’ schema included more concepts belonging to individualizing foundations(harm and fairness) than conservatives’ schema, conservatives’ schema included more concepts belonging to binding foundation(authority). Implications are discussed.

; (University of California at Berkeley) pp.107-120 https://doi.org/10.21193/kjspp.2011.25.4.007

We examined joint influences of Implicit Motivation to Control Prejudice (IMCP) and exposure to counterstereotypic stimuli on spontaneous racial bias. Participants performed a Shooter Task (Correll, Park, Judd, & Wittenbrink, 2002) wherein the ratios of stereotypic (i.e., armed Black) and counterstereotypic targets were manipulated. Then all participants performed the standard Shooter Task with equal ratios of targets. Those higher in IMCP showed less bias, as did participants in the Counterstereotypic condition. The pattern of results also suggests that the counterstereotypic exemplar effect on Shooter Bias was larger for those relatively high in IMCP.


We examined empathy for pain in undergraduate students divided into psychopathic tendencies(n=15) and control(n=15) groups according to the scores of Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised. Event-related potentials were collected as participants performed a pain judgment task and a hand counting task. The participants were presented with pictures of hands that were in painful or neutral situations. The pain judgment task required attention to pain cues in the stimuli. The hand counting task withdrew their attention from these cues. The statistical analysis of P3 elicited by pain and neutral stimuli in the pain judgment task indicated that psychopathic tendencies group showed significantly higher P3 amplitudes than the control group at the frontocentral and central areas. Psychopathic tendency group responded less accurately than the control group. But both group did not show significant differences in accuracies. These results suggest that individuals with psychopathic tendencies are required more cognitive effort to empathize the others’ pain.

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology