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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Effect of Ego-Resiliency on Posttraumatic Growth: The Mediating Effects of Stress Coping and Cognitive Emotion Regulation

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2016, v.21 no.3, pp.623-640


This study aimed to examine the effect of Ego-Resiliency on Posttraumatic Growth based on considering Stress Coping Strategy, and Cognitive Emotion Regulation as a mediating variable. For this purpose, a sample of 411 adults were asked to complete the Ego Resilience scale, The Brief COPE, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire(CERQ), Korea Posttraumatic Growth Inventory(K-PTGI), and Traumatic Experience Schedule. Data analysis included reliability analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, correlation analysis, factor analysis, measurement model analysis, and structural model analysis SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0. were used for all statistical analyses. Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) was used to verify the research model. In addition, Bootstrapping method was used to examine the mediating effect. The results of the study were as follows. First, Posttraumatic Growth was positively correlated with Ego Resilience, Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Stress Coping Strategy. Second, Adaptive Cognitive Emotion Regulation partially mediated between Ego Resilience and Posttraumatic Growth. However, the partial mediating effect of Stress Coping Strategy was not significant. Third, sequential mediating effect of Stress Coping Strategy and Adaptive Cognitive Emotion Regulation between Ego Resilience and Posttraumatic Growth was significant. Finally, the implications and limitations of the study were discussed.

자아탄력성, 외상후 성장, 인지적 정서조절, 스트레스 대처, posttraumatic growth, ego-resiliency, stress coping strategy, cognitive emotion regulation



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology