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Vol.22 No.2


This examined validity estimates of the Korean version of Snyder's Dispositional Hope Scale (K-DHS). Participants were 237 college and/or graduate students who completed the research packet. The exploratory factor analysis results favored the one-factor structure of the K-DHS in this sample over the original two-factor structure of hope (Snyder et al., 1991). Study results also suggested that the K-DHS was a reliable instrument. In addition, various estimates of validity of the K-DHS were established with the criterion measures in conceptually expected ways. For example, the K-DHS was correlated positively with measures of self-efficacy, optimism, and positive affect, but negatively with ineffective problem-solving appraisal, negative affect, and hopelessness. This study discussed potential cultural differences in the concept of hope, the utility of the K-DHS, and study limitations.


This study examined the relationship between adolescents' understanding of mind and social interaction. Mind-reading included the ability to read the emotional states through facial expression of the whole face or eye regions, the ability to interpret others' ambiguous social behaviors by reading their mental states, the ability to uncover the hidden meaning of a figurative statement such as irony and white-lie, and the ability to understand that when a person says a "faux pas" it is due to a mistaken belief rather than from malicious intent. Social interactions were assessed by appropriate social skill, aggression, prosocial behavior, empathy, and social preference. Participants were 76 junior high school students (38 males and 38 females). The following patterns of results were obtained. Firstly, female students performed significantly higher on mind-reading tasks, especially reading the emotional states than male students. Secondly, females' ability to read the emotional states was positively correlated with appropriate social skill. Thirdly, mind-reading ability in ambiguous situations was positively correlated with social preference in both male and female groups. These results indicate that adolescents' understanding of mind is linked with their various social interactions and the gender-related difference exists in the pattern of this linkage.


The present study examined whether purchase intention would be different when people had the same amount of money, but money was either in small (ten ₩10,000 bills) or large denomination (a ₩100,000 bill). Mishra et al. (2006) reported 'the bias for the whole', wherein money in the form of a whole (large denomination) was valued more than equivalent amounts of money in the form of parts (small denominations). According to this bias, purchase intention would be low regardless of product prices when people have a large denomination bill. Instead of this bias, however, the results of the present study demonstrated matching responses, wherein people showed high purchase intention as the price of a product matched the denomination of a bill. These results were replicated in three studies. We provided possible psychological mechanisms for this matching response phenomenon. Our results suggest that once a large denomination bill is issued, products with similar prices might sell more.


The number of offenders who are referred for pre-trial forensic psychological evaluation has increased, and there is greater need to rule out malingering among these referrals. Malingering is defined as intentional exaggeration of symptoms in order to avoid their criminal responsibility. This study compared three groups of offenders based upon results from forensic psychological evaluation:normal group, schizophrenia group, and behavior disorder group including personality disorder and sex-related disorders. Significant differences were found among the groups in their MMPI-2 and SCL-90-R scores, types of offenses, recidivism, and other demographical backgrounds. Normal group and behavior disorder group scored significantly higher than schizophrenia group in scales of psychopathology, which supported possibility of malingering. In order to differentiate schizophrenia group from the other groups in terms of malingering possibility, ROC was utilized to F scale and F-K score, which indicated these two scales had sensitivity to detect malingering not high enough to be independently utilized in forensic psychological evaluations. It was suggested that more brief, efficient, and sensitive malingering detection measures should be developed and utilized.

Sung Hee Cho(National Forensic Hospital) ; Soo Jung Lee(Kyonggi University) ; Jae Ok Kim(Kyonggi University) pp.45-58

The number of offenders who are referred for pre-trial forensic psychological evaluation has increased, and there is greater need to rule out malingering among these referrals. Malingering is defined as intentional exaggeration of symptoms in order to avoid their criminal responsibility. This study compared three groups of offenders based upon results from forensic psychological evaluation : normal group, schizophrenia group, and behavior disorder group including personality disorder and sex-related disorders. Significant differences were found among the groups in their MMPI-2 and SCL-90-R scores, types of offenses, recidivism, and other demographical backgrounds. Normal group and behavior disorder group scored significantly higher than schizophrenia group in scales of psychopathology, which supported possibility of malingering. In order to differentiate schizophrenia group from the other groups in terms of malingering possibility, ROC was utilized to F scale and F-K score, which indicated these two scales had sensitivity to detect malingering not high enough to be independently utilized in forensic psychological evaluations. It was suggested that more brief, efficient, and sensitive malingering detection measures should be developed and utilized.


This study is to look into the satisfaction level of couples who are clustered by adults' attachment style and to analyze the styles and factors that influence the relationship. To this end, 374 couples who had been in actual relationship for more than 3months were selected. Average age of men selected was 26.6 and women's average age was 25.0. The results of the study were ; In the category of satisfaction level by adults' attachment style combination, satisfaction level was higher in couples of Secure Style Man:Secure Style Woman. Meanwhile, higher dissatisfaction level was found in couples of Preoccupied Style Man:Dismissing Style Woman and Dismissing Style Woman:Fearful Style Man. Especially Preoccupied Style had most harmful influence on relationship satisfaction. And in all types, communication for problem solving caused the highest level dissatisfaction. In case of combining with Secure Style, the satisfaction level was higher in Dismissing and Preoccupied Style but Fearful Style showed higher dissatisfaction level. This result brought the hypothesis that Secure Style has a good influence on relationship satisfaction into existence. The meanings of and suggestions on the results of this study is to be discussed.


This paper introduces the hope concept as a promising positive psychological construct. The various conceptualizations of hope reviewed. Snyder's hope theory, which is the most pervasively used, is scrutinized, leaving the identification of some limitations. First, the definition focusing on pathway and agency thinking as well as goal attainment in Snyder's hope theory does not reflect the original meaning of hope in laymen's perspective. In addition, the heavy endorsement in cognitive processes in his theory is subjected to criticism; we call for scholars' attention to other core components of hope (emotion and future aspects). Third, the measurement issue is raised as well since Snyder's Hope Scale neither reflects its own theory, nor includes some other important features of hope. Finally, the applicability of Snyder's hope theory is limited as well in that the narrow-sensed definition of hope in his theory might mislead readers to a restricted meaning of hope. Given these limitations, this paper offers some caution to use and ends with suggestions for future research directions.

Ppudah Ki(Yonsei University) ; Dong-gwi Lee(Yonsei University) ; Hye-Young Kim(Yonsei University) pp.75-92

This paper introduces the hope concept as a promising positive psychological construct. The various conceptualizations of hope reviewed. Snyder's hope theory, which is the most pervasively used, is scrutinized, leaving the identification of some limitations. First, the definition focusing on pathway and agency thinking as well as goal attainment in Snyder's hope theory does not reflect the original meaning of hope in laymen's perspective. In addition, the heavy endorsement in cognitive processes in his theory is subjected to criticism; we call for scholars' attention to other core components of hope (emotion and future aspects). Third, the measurement issue is raised as well since Snyder's Hope Scale neither reflects its own theory, nor includes some other important features of hope. Finally, the applicability of Snyder's hope theory is limited as well in that the narrow-sensed definition of hope in his theory might mislead readers to a restricted meaning of hope. Given these limitations, this paper offers some caution to use and ends with suggestions for future research directions.


This study examined to find more detailed and realistic items about any perceived rewards and costs under the assumption that people had a consider pros and cons from any of their behavioral outcomes, that decision-making process was about benefiting themselves, when people were placed within a specific criminogenic situation. The method in this study was applied a 'subject-generated' technique that was proposed and demonstrated by Bouffard(2002, 2007), presented a hypothetical criminogenic scenario relevant to violence, arson, and homicide to 370(169 male, 201 female) university students, and discovered various detailed items about their own costs and rewards of the criminal conduct. Multiresponse frequency analysis of their response was done. The most frequently responded items were:'self-esteem'(rewards of violence), 'to be bad guys as he'(costs of violence); 'vent one´s anger'(rewards of arson), 'be unchanged'(costs of arson); 'vent one´s anger'(rewards of homicide), 'guilt feeling'(costs of homicide). Also, the logistic regression analysis of frequently responded items were performed to explore the probability of reporting by gender, age, and offending probability level. The probability of reporting of rewards and costs were:'social support'(rewards of violoence) was higher for male than female, 'legal punishment'(costs of violence) decreased as one became older; 'resentment of society'(rewards of arson) decreased as became older; 'protecting one's own life'(rewards of homicide) decreased as subject have a larger the probability of offending, and 'lack of courage to kill'(costs of homicide) was less males than females. In these results, detailed and realistic items were analyzed by perspective of PIC-R. In addition to this, the analyses of the rational choice theory and this study were compared. The limitations of this study, suggestions of future research, and political implications in crime prevention should be discussed.

Seung Hyuk Choi(Kyonggi University) ; Si Up Kim(Kyonggi University) pp.93-112

This study examined to find more detailed and realistic items about any perceived rewards and costs under the assumption that people had a consider pros and cons from any of their behavioral outcomes, that decision-making process was about benefiting themselves, when people were placed within a specific criminogenic situation. The method in this study was applied a 'subject-generated' technique that was proposed and demonstrated by Bouffard(2002, 2007), presented a hypothetical criminogenic scenario relevant to violence, arson, and homicide to 370(169 male, 201 female) university students, and discovered various detailed items about their own costs and rewards of the criminal conduct. Multiresponse frequency analysis of their response was done. The most frequently responded items were : 'self-esteem'(rewards of violence), 'to be bad guys as he'(costs of violence); 'vent one's anger'(rewards of arson), 'be unchanged'(costs of arson); 'vent one's anger'(rewards of homicide), 'guilt feeling'(costs of homicide). Also, the logistic regression analysis of frequently responded items were performed to explore the probability of reporting by gender, age, and offending probability level. The probability of reporting of rewards and costs were : 'social support'(rewards of violoence) was higher for male than female, 'legal punishment'(costs of violence) decreased as one became older; 'resentment of society'(rewards of arson) decreased as became older; 'protecting one's own life'(rewards of homicide) decreased as subject have a larger the probability of offending, and 'lack of courage to kill'(costs of homicide) was less males than females. In these results, detailed and realistic items were analyzed by perspective of PIC-R. In addition to this, the analyses of the rational choice theory and this study were compared. The limitations of this study, suggestions of future research, and political implications in crime prevention should be discussed.

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology