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Vol.26 No.2


The voluntary task switching paradigm is a helpful method to explore task choice behaviors. Using a voluntary task switching paradigm, we examined whether the unconscious pursuit of goals has an impact on switch costs and task choice behavior. At the beginning of the experimental session, participants were randomly assigned to an achievement goal or a fun goal priming condition. The priming manipulation was carried out through a picture-search task. After that, number tasks were presented, and the participants had to choose voluntarily just one of the two numbers, which were always simultaneously presented in Korean (easy task) and in German (difficult task), to judge the magnitude (relative to 5). The results showed that switch costs in error rates were higher in the fun goal priming than in the achievement goal priming. More importantly, the easy task was more often preferred in the achievement goal priming condition than in the fun goal priming condition, while this task choice bias increased among people with chronically high-achievement motivation. Implications of the outcomes for cognitive flexibility in task switching are discussed.


Two experiments were conducted to investigate whether priming of either individualistic or collectivistic disposition in the same culture and race can affect perception of the natural scenes in the viewpoint of information processing approach. It was hypothesized that individualistically primed participants pay more attention to the foreground than the background, whereas collectivistically primed participants pay attention to the relation between the foreground and the background as well as the foreground during scene perception. In both experiments, a newly constructed ‘cultural priming story writing task’ was used to prime the participants to either individualism or collectivism. Also, a 2×2×2 mixed factorial design with cultural disposition(individualism vs. collectivism) as a between-subjects factor and figure-ground relevance(naturalness vs. unnaturalness) and change of scene(figure vs. ground change) as within-subject factors was used. In addition, focusing on the contradictory results of previous studies, we used different instructions in the two experiments. In Experiment 1,participants were instructed to rate the preference of the scenes in the learning phase as in Chua et al.(2005),whereas they were informed the recognition test beforehand as in Rayner et al.(2007) in Experiment 2. The results of Experiment 1 showed that the correct recognition rates of the collectivistically primed participants were better than those of the individualistically primed participants when the scenes were unnatural and when the background were changed in the recognition phase. These results were interpreted that the former having relatively holistic viewpoints pay more attention to the relation between the foreground and the background. In contrast, the differences disappeared in Experiment 2 where the recognition test was informed beforehand. These results suggest that the cultural priming effects can be elicited in the same culture and the race. Furthermore, it was suggested that intention to memorize the scenes can affect the attentional allocation to the foreground and the background regardless of the cultural dispositions. Implications and the limitations of this study were discussed in the final discussion section.


Whether happiness leads to better academic performance was examined in two longitudinal data sets in Korea. We found that the academic performance of happy middle school students, both on self-reported and objective school ranking measures, was superior 4 years later in high school than their less happy peers (Study 1). This result held, even after controlling for initial academic grades, amount of time/money spent on private tutoring,and parental socio-economic status. Also, the rate of happiness change significantly predicted the level of high school academic performance. In Study 2, we found that happy high school seniors showed higher levels of academic adjustment and goal attainment once they entered college. In short, both on objective and subjective measures of academic success, happy students fared better than less happy students even in highly competitive academic environments, such as Korea.


This paper proposes the relationship between individual trait and risk-taking decision-making and how perceived benefits and perceived costs would mediate the relationship. Risk-taking tasks were presented in domain-specific daily life situations in study 1. As the results of study 1, need for structure had a higher correlation with risk-taking decision-making in general and domain-specific than need for cognition did. Moreover, the mediation effect of perceived benefits was more consistent than that of perceived costs. To investigate if perceived benefits work more strongly than perceived costs even in framing condition, decision-making scenarios about policy issues were presented in positive(benefits focused) or negative framing(costs focused) in study 2. Need for structure influenced a decision on policy through perceived benefits in negative framing at the .07 level, and the interaction effect of need for structure and framing was significant. This paper implies that perceiving benefits would be more crucial than perceiving costs in risk-taking decision-making, and furthermore, decision could be made differently according to decision-making tasks and how they are presented.


Resistance to change (Right-Wing Authoritarian: RWA) has been proposed as a primary psychological factor to explain various political preferences. To overcome the limitation of tautology in the explanation, the present study proposed and investigated the roles of the Implicit Theory – incremental versus entity beliefs about possibility of change in certain domains, such as individual, society, etc. - in political judgments. 206 participants reported their preference toward 10 political events controversial in Korea for the past 10 years and completed the scales for RWA, the Implicit Theory of individual and society, self-categorization on political orientation. At first, the correlational analyses and subsequent hierarchical multi-regression analyses revealed the main effects of self-rated political tendency, in which Korean people who perceived themselves more politically conservative made more conservative judgments on political issues. Furthermore, there was a significant interaction effect between the implicit theory of society and self-categorized political orientation. Specifically the political conservatives and liberals who believed the incremental theory of society did not differ in political preference. But among the entity theorists of society, the liberals compared to the conservatives made more liberal judgments. In conclusion, the implication of the effect of psychological variables on political judgments was discussed.


This study investigated the relationship that the overt narcissism and the covert narcissism, respectively, are having with the Narcissistic Personality Disorder Scale (NPDS). The 621 undergraduate students completed the NPDS, the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI), and the Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale (HSNS). According to the results, one factor of the NPDS (authority) was correlated with the NPI, known to be measuring overt narcissism, and the other factors of the NPDS (displeasure toward self-slender; egocentrism) was correlated with the HSNS, known to be measuring covert narcissism. The results of the present study implicate that the each factors of the NPDS is segregated from between overt narcissism and covert narcissism. Furthermore, the each factors of the NPDS is highly correlated with pathological factors of the each scales proposed in the previous studies.


The study conceptualized learning goal orientation as a state individual difference and examined the effect of the state learning goal orientation on adjustment and performance of international students in Korea. Data from 62international students in one university collected over one semester showed that state learning goal orientation had significant and positive effects on adjustment, academic performance, affective commitment, and attitude to Korea. Also, the study examined whether state learning goal orientation moderated the effects of cross-cultural training based on met expectations hypothesis. The interaction was significant for academic achievement. The interaction pattern suggested that the only those who had a low state learning goal orientation got the benefits of the cross-cultural training based on met expectations hypothesis while the training might have negative effects on those with a high state learning goal orientation. The implications of the current findings on adjustment and performance of international students as well as state learning goal orientation and future research directions were discussed.


The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between intraindividual affect variability during a working day and job and satisfaction among Korean workers. Using the Day Reconstruction Method"(DRM), 185working people were asked to report episodes that occurred yesterday and their affective reactions corresponding to each episode. While most studies on within-person variability in affect has defined variability in terms of standard deviations of affective states, this study applied additional indicators of affect variability, pulse(intensity variability) and spin(quality variability) proposed by Moskowitz and Zuroff(2004). The results revealed that quality variability(spin) was significantly negatively correlated to both job satisfaction and life satisfaction, but neither job satisfaction nor life satisfaction did not have significant relationship with intensity variability.

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology