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Vol.26 No.4


On the basis of previous research showing that positive emotion like love facilitates global perception, two experiments were carried out to answer, whether the love priming always has a positive impact on global processing, and whether global versus local perception varies with the self-regulatory focus associated with love styles. In Experiment 1, participants were primed by either imagining a walk with a person they were in love with (love priming condition) or a walk alone (control condition). Then, they were shown large letters made of small letters and decided if either of two specific letters appeared on the screen. In contrast to this, in Experiment 2, love was primed subliminally with the name of the loved person and the participants had to do the letter task as in the previous experiment. In addition, they had to fill out the love style scales and were divided into two groups (romantic love and companionate love). Experiment 1 showed that the love priming condition reduced the reaction time for the global perception compared to the control condition. In Experiment 2, love priming also facilitated global perception in the group of romantic love. However, in the group of companionate love, global processing benefits decreased after the love priming trials. The results implicated that various love styles could be differentiated in regard to different goals which might have an impact on the self-regulatory focus in perception.


In contemporary society, the political topics, party policy, and other political informations are widely supplied through a variety of medias.. But people do not have the ability or motivation to handle a lot of information carefully. As a result, the selective information processing comes to occur, either intentionally or unintentionally. Therefore, specific informations are even more accepted by recipients and so they would affect much more their political decision-making (Iyengar & Simon, 2000). How do people deal with and evaluate the political informations? How are our political attitudes formed and maintained? What are the personal factors involved in the processing of political information? To answer these questions, we manipulated information source,information contents, and information recipients characteristics on the basis of Lasswell’s model of five major components. The findings show that under conditions to systematic processing, participants are more biased, and the direction of information processing depends on the characteristics of information sources and information recipients.

(Colorado State University) ; ; ; pp.31-49 https://doi.org/10.21193/kjspp.2012.26.4.003

The purpose of this research is to conceptualize and inquire the nature and the mechanism underlying the observational flow. To find out the basic characteristics of observational flow, several dimensions including experience factors, motivational factors, and mechanical factors were compared with that of participational flow. In study 1, 76% of participants have reported that they do experience observational flow. The intensity of the flow was relatively weaker compared to when the participant actually participated in the activity. The condition required for observational flow is when the participant’s favorite team is having a close game (92.5%). Study 2was conducted to confirm the result of experiment 1 and to find the mechanisms and characteristics of observational flow by close comparison with participational flow. Like study 1, the intensity of observational flow was weaker than that of participational flow. 9 characteristics of observational flow were individually compared with that of participational flow. Sense of control, confidence, and ability was found to be higher in observational flow than participational flow. Loss of ego, distortion of time, concentration, flow, free from self problem, and presence of clear goal was higher in participational flow. Conditions to facilitate observational flow were found to be a balance between difficulty level of the content and participant’s ability for understanding the content, and identification with the actual players. Lastly, the relationship among happiness, internal motivation, and observational flow was studied. Internal motivation had positive correlation with observational flow, but not with happiness. The possibilities and limitations of observational flow are discussed.


Creativity is one of the most profound needs of humanity as it allows realization of optimal experience and self-actualization. However, despite its social interest and acknowledged importance, creativity has been underinvestigated as a scientific research topic in the field of psychology. One main reason for this disregard is that researchers are suspicious of the validity of the definition and of its methodology which is largely grounded on the psychometric tradition of creativity research where creativity is defined as a divergent thinking ability. On the other hand, the concept and methodology of creativity that is defined in the sociocultural context as a creative process and the individual who produces both nevel and useful products are appropriate as a scientific research topic. Especially, social psychological research of creativity that follows this sociocultural concept and methodology contributes to the comprehensive understanding of creativity in its own special way. In this article,we describe definition, methodology and research trends of social psychology of creativity in attempt to contribute to the advancement of this field of study. We review social psychology of creativity in a special attention to the meaning of each study as we structuralize its trends as (a) Theories for process and system, focusing on creating process' temporal and procedural integrity and its social system; (b) Theories for context and motivation,covering the effect and context of creator's state motivation, flow and emotion; and (3) Theories for group process, focusing on creating process where more than one creator is involved, that define factors that make a group become creative in an effective way. Finally, based upon the relation between three trends, we discussed the contribution of social psychology of creativity to understand creativity itself as a whole and to understand korean creativity.


This study examined the structure of positive emotion in the Korean context with 27 positive emotion words of which representativeness and familiarity were reported. Two samples of 234 college students(CS) and 111 office workers(OW) completed the survey. A six factor solution was explored in CS. Love(charmed, love, excited),Achievement(proud, rewarding, sense of satisfaction), Relaxed Happiness(peaceful, peace of mind, happy),Interest’(amusing, pleasant, joyful), Passion(fascinating, enthusiastic, touched), Attachment(glad, affectionate,longing for) factors were extracted. This 6 factor structure was not confirmed in OW. A five factor solution was explored in OW. 4 factors of Love, Achievement, Relaxed Happiness, Interest were extracted in both groups, but emotions that connote relationship and excitement show different pattern of experience between the two groups. Only in CS, Love and Attachment were divided. Besides, Passion correlated strongly with Achievement, Interest as well as Love in CS. One the other hand, in OW, Love and Attachment were not divided,and Love correlated strongly with Relaxed Happiness. The structures of emotional experience could be different according to ages and environments, and the theories to interpret those structures were discussed.


The present research is aimed at validation of the Korean version of Fraboni scale of ageism which was developed by Fraboni, Saltstone and Hughes(1990). To do so exploratory factor analysis with sample A and confirmatory factor analysis with sample B was conducted. As a result of exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, it appeared that three factor structure consisting of Affective avoidance,Discrimination, and Stereotype. This result supported the theoretical model of ageism which emphasize multi-factor nature of affective component, cognitive component, and behavior component. Total items and subscales of the Korean version FSA has proper internal consistency and test-retest reliability. It was proved that the new three factor structure has better fit index than other structures. And it was positively correlated with attitude toward the elderly and negative ageist behaviour, negatively correlated with knowledge of aging,frequency and quality of contact with the elderly, and positive ageist behaviour, and not correlated with social desirable responses. These results suggest that Korean version of the FSA is reliable and valid instrument to measure ageism.


The purpose of this study is to distinguish the sex offences based on crime scene actions by different ages of victims. For performing this study, the 143 sex crimes were gathered, and then coded into 25 crime scene actions belonged to the 4 behavior themes(hostility, control, involvement, theft) based on advanced research by Canter et al(2003). Next, ANOVA, and Multi Correspondence Analysis were used for exploring the differences and interrelation of sex crime scene actions between age groups of victims. As the results of this study, it was found in significant differences in the theme of 4 sex crime scene actions by each group of victims. Especially, in the case of hostility, control, involvement, the frequency of crime scene actions were highest in younger victims and the frequency of crime scene actions related to thefts were highest in middle aged victims. And, 2 dimensions were produced between 25 crime scene actions and 5 age groups of victims by multi correspondence analysis,one is psychological stability to avoiding the threat of arrest, the other is sexual-anger to the degree of offenders’sexual needs directly and indirectly. These findings would suggest that as younger victims are treated as a reactive individual for sex, sex offenders become more absorbed in doing sexual behavior with them, but victims of other ages are treated as a vehicle of sex, sex offenders are more using both the additional behaviors not just for the direct satisfaction of the rape. These findings are useful in understanding different motives and behavior for the sex crime and helpful for investigation of sex offenders.


The present study aims to replicate the interaction of just world belief(JWB) and just world hope(JWH), and to investigate the effect of criminal’s socioeconomic status(SES), type of crime, and the participants’ recognition of just world on punitive judgment. 322 participants completed the JWB scale (Rubin & Peplau, 1975) and JWH scale (Choi & Hur, 2011) and made punishment decisions after reading one of the four crime scenarios that waried in the criminal's SES (high or low) and the type of crime (embezzlement or robbery by hostage). Embezzlement is a crime typical for criminals with high SES and Robbery by hostage is a crime typical for criminals with low SES. Blameworthiness, attribution, severity of damage, and likelihood of recidivism, which may explain one’s punitive judgment, were also measured. First, people who believe that the world is just did not vary on punitive judgment regardless of their just world hope, but among those who do not believe that the world is just, people holding high (vs. low) just world hope gave harsher punishment. Second, regardless of the type of crime committed, participant’s just world hope did not affect their punitive decision on criminals with low SES, but participants holding high (vs. low) hope for a just world imposed more severe punishment to criminals with high SES. Third, criminals with high SES were thought to be more blameworthy, more attributed by disposition, and more likely to recommit crime than criminals with low SES, regardless of the type of crime. These findings may suggest that there may be other psychological mechanisms in addition to the typicality of crime when determining the punitive judgment for criminals with high SES. The findings are discussed in regard to perception of socioeconomic status and the function of criminal punishment in Korea.


Eyewitness testimony often plays an important role in criminal justice system. As evidenced by some documented cases of wrongful convictions based on eyewitness identification errors, there are a serious eyewitness identification problems that need to be corrected. Eyewitness may identify a culprit through a series of identification procedures, and most research has suggested that the sequential presentation of photospread that shows a witness limeup members at a time is a better method than simultaneous presentation of photospread in which all lineup members are presented at the same time. However, sequential lineup may tend to commit more false rejection errors in culprit present condition, whereas less false identification error in culprit absent condition. The purpose of this study is to clarify false rejection in sequential lineup procedure and to identify effects of the factors on witness identification accuracy. Also, we studied the effects of lineup instruction by sequential presentation type on witness identification accuracy. In this study 180 undergraduate students participated in a 3(types of sequential lineup: immediate decision with stopping rule, immediate decision without stopping rule, final decision without stopping rule)✕2(lineup instructions: biased, unbiased)✕2(culprit: present, absent) between subject experiment. The experiment procedure is that experimenter show a subject criminal video clip and ask the subject to perform identification procedure. The results of this study present that sequential procedure in which eyewitnesses are allowed to make a final decision without stopping rule could reduce false rejection errors,while maintaining high identification accuracy. Limitations and implications of this study were discussed.

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology