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Vol.24 No.3


The present study investigated a joint impact of a newcomer's interaction orientation and the nature of membership change upon the likelihood that the newcomer introduces changes in group task strategy. Participants were randomly assembled into 3-person teams and performed a construction task as a team. Newcomers' interaction orientation was manipulated by priming either cooperation or competition prior to joining a new team. The nature of membership change was varied by introducing either a temporary or a permanent change in team composition. It was predicted that, regardless of their interaction orientation, newcomers would be less likely to propose a new task strategy in the permanent change condition due to a high need for assimilation to the group. In contrast, it was predicted that when membership change is temporary, newcomers would be more likely to propose a new task strategy when competition is primed than when cooperation is primed. The study found supportive evidence for the hypothesized interaction effect. Implications of the findings and suggestions for future studies are discussed.


This study investigated response inhibition and emotional recognition in undergraduate students divided into psychopathic tendencies and control groups according to the scores of Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised (Lee, & Park, 2008; Lilienfeld & Widow, 2005). In order to explore the temporo-spatial characteristics of response inhibition and emotional recognition, event-related potentials(ERPs) were collected as participants performed three Go/NoGo tasks that required participants to respond to Go condition and to inhibit response to NoGo condition. Task 1 investigated response inhibition in a Go/NoGo task using neutral facial stimuli (Go condition) and fearful facial stimuli (NoGo condition). The statistical analysis of the P3 elicited by fearful facial stimuli indicated that psychopathic tendencies group showed significantly reduced NoGo-P3 amplitudes than the control group at the frontocentral and central areas. Task 2 investigated response inhibition in a Go/NoGo task using neutral facial stimuli (Go condition) and sad facial stimuli (NoGo condition). P3 elicited by sad facial stimuli indicated that individuals with psychopathic tendencies showed significantly reduced NoGo-P3 amplitudes than the control group at the frontocentral and central areas. Task 3 examined response inhibition in a Go/NoGo task using neutral facial stimuli (Go condition) and happy facial stimuli (NoGo condition). P3 elicited by happy facial stimuli indicated that psychopathic tendencies group showed the tendency of reduced NoGo-P3 amplitudes than the control group at the central area. In all tasks, psychopath tendencies group responded more slowly and less accurately than the control group. But both groups did not show significant differences in reaction times and accuracies. These results indicate that individuals with psychopathic tendencies have impaired response inhibition after facial emotion recognition.


Fredrickson(1998; 2001)'s broaden-and-build model posits that positive emotions broaden the scopes of attention and cognition, which in turn has an effect of building that individual's physical, intellectual, and social resources. The present study tests this hypothesis by exploring the relationship between happiness and creativity. Study 1 examines whether the long-term happiness associates with creative personality. The results showed that chronically happy persons had more creative traits such as alternative problem-solving and adventurousness. Study 2 examines whether transient happy mood facilitates creative thinking. Positive or negative moods were induced by means of watching a few minutes of a comedy film or a sad movie. After films were shown subjects' creativity were measured by the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking. As expected, test scores on fluency, originality, and flexibility were higher for those in the positive mood condition than those in the negative mood condition. The results of two studies indicate that both long-term happiness and short-term happy mood have favorable effect on creativity.


The present study aimed to trace by historical and cultural approach the roots of collective features held by Korean society. For this goal, literature review was conducted for the factors which were related to collective characteristics within the contexts of pre-modern Korean society. First, structural and administrative aspects of Korean villages, which implemented strong impacts on the lives of the villagers, were examined. Second, as economic characteristics of the traditional society, agricultural life centered on rice cultivation and its relevant practices of cooperative working were reviewed. Also, the processes how Confucianism, which offered ideological framework of governance on the pre-modern society, was infiltrated to the residents of the villages were examined. Finally, their life was studied by observing yearly practices and folk plays in relation to leisure. Given all of these, the sources of Korean collectivism were discussed.


Expert testimony is intended to assist the trier of fact in understanding certain type of evidence and the admissibility of expert evidence is determined by the trial judge. The admissibility standards for expert witness exist in the United States, but Korean legal system do not have structural standards or explicit rules for evaluating the admissibility of scientific evidence or expert testimony. This study examined 1) general perceptions of Korean judges and lay people on a variety of expert witnesses, 2) judges' admissibility evaluation experiences, and 3) which criteria are considered to be important when evaluating admissibility. The results indicated that Korean judges and lay people rated forensic science or medical experts as most important, honest, competent, and reliable, whereas police officer, accountant/appraiser, and polygraph expert were placed at the bottom. Further, training, general acceptance, prior expert testimony experience, and level of education are perceived as important criteria when evaluating admissibility of experts in Korea.


This study examined the effects of online reviews, correction messages and the passage of time on judgments of a product. The results indicate that the influence of online reviews on participants' judgements of the product decreases when the correction message was provided, compared to the case with no correction message. In addition, the effect of the online reviews on the purchase intention was observed to be weaker as time passing when the correction message was not present. The role of online reviews, correction messages and the passage of time in internet shopping and their implications on judgments and decision makings were discussed.


The purpose of this study was to examine between-sex differences and psychological variables devoted to within-sex differences by investigating the effects of personality dimensions and loving styles in romantic jealousy based on evolutionary and psycho-social perspective. 189 university students were asked to complete an imagined jealousy scenario and then collected data were analyzed by using correlation and regression. Results showed that between sex-differences in jealousy was replicated by men reported greater sexual jealousy than women. Extraversion-introversion and storge were predicted of sexual jealousy for men whereas mania was most predicted for women. In addition, the moderating effect of extraversion-introversion on within-sex differences in jealousy was supported, but primarily for men. Relative to men with introversion, men with extraversion reported greater jealousy about partner's sexual infidelity. These results demonstrate that individual differences such as personality and loving styles affect sexual jealousy for men and women in different ways.

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology