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Vol.18 No.3

; ; pp.1-13

This study investigated dysfunctions of emotional recognition among juvenile offenders based on psychological theories of criminal high-risk groups and findings of psychopaths. Furthermore, it was studied if emotional dysfunctions might be more obvious in processing stimuli with specific emotional tones. The comparison among noncriminal offenders, juvenile offenders in a protection center, and offenders in a juvenile prison presented there were significant differences among their performance in the Emotional Recognition Test - Revised (ERT-R) as predicted. Even though the effect sizes were unusually large because of the huge sample size, the overall trend of the findings confirmed that juvenile offenders were less sensitive to emotional cues, specifically negative emotional cues in general. However, this emotional recognition dysfunction was not reflected in comprehending positive cues. This is consistent in part with Western findings presenting psychopaths used to be unskillful processing sadness and fear. Also this replication might facilitate numerous domestic empirical studies on psychopaths.


There exist differences between individualism and relationism cultures. Same goes for human's psychological components(cognition, emotion, and motivation) between the two cultures, which determines human's attitude. In Korea, relationism has been developed due to the traditional Korean thought, Confucianism. Features of 'bujayuchin', which means that 'Intimacy should exist between father and son.' and which corresponds to basic units in human relationship, have had great influence on relationship between the counselor and the client and counseling effects. In Korean society, the counselor should let clients realize the significance of 'role', which fulfills their responsibilities, and help them adapt themselves to society, instead of identifying with them by focusing on each individual, which stresses autonomy. In Korea, it is expected that the counselor serve as not merely a curer but also as an elder who gives advices and encouragements. Since this method suits the Korean culture, clients expect the counselors to be this way. Therefore, in Reality Dynamic Counseling which is suggested as the Korean counseling model, the counselor needs to serve as Eombujamo which means that 'Father should be strict and mother should be affectionate.' Important techniques that the counselor needs were suggested in this thesis as follows: grasping the client's current problems, accurate understanding empathy, understanding the client's situation, taking an objective view based on common sense, applying of confrontation, active attitude toward relationship, and recovering the relationship between parents and children.

; pp.29-45
; pp.47-60

This study investigated the meaning of modesty behavior in different contexts in Korean culture. A total of 300 subjects were participated at this study. Normative modesty situations are composed of two animations, which are the praise situation after getting a better grade ever than in school, and the interview situation after winning a prize. One is significant in frankly and showy modest, the other is significant in expressing frankly, modest filled with one's heart, and inside inducement. Three interpersonal situations where are diverse vertical and horizontal relations, in modesty towards the old is different in good manners, modest with heart, and throwing the handkerchief. In friendship situation, it was revealed that it was important well-mannered, modest with minded, Chemyon (social face), and maintaining a relation. In lower relationship, it was more important in modest with heart, Chemyon, and maintaining a relation. Accordingly, modesty behavior which is one of social normative actions, is perceived as modest with the heart in Korean culture.

; (Univ. of Calgary) ; Michael C. Ashton(Brock University) pp.61-75

Recent lexical studies of personality structure suggest that there are six independent major dimensions of personality. The HEXACO Personality Inventory (HEXACO-PI), a new questionnaire that measures these six lexically-derived personality constructs, was examined in a Korean context using samples of 281 undergraduate students. The scales of the Korean version of the HEXACO-PI were shown to have acceptable psychometric properties, including acceptable internal-consistency reliabilities, factorial validity, low scale intercorrelations, and high convergent correlations. Although there is room for improvement for some facet scales, the Korean version of the HEXACO-PI appears to be useful for researchers who wish to measure the major dimensions of personality, for theoretical and for applied purposes.

; pp.77-95

Recently, the family violence has been issued in Korean society. In particular, wife-assault, i.e., the violent behaviors of husbands to wives in which influenced on physical and psychological problems of women, children and adolescents have been neglected by Korean patriarchy. The objective of the present paper is to integrate research from a variety of disciplines, including sociology, psychology, and women studies and present a multilevel analysis that analyzes the dynamic interplay between individual and interpersonal factors, and situational factors in wife-assault. According to past researchers, wife-assaulter had high aggression, high stress situation, low self-esteem, low gender-egalitarianism, and witnessing inter-parental violence in the growing. In addition, the efficiency of the inter-spouse communication was important variable. The results revealed that low self-esteem, and low gender-egalitarianism had relation to low efficiency of marital communication. Then, this communication influenced on husband' aggression. These relationships leaded to wife assault. Stress influenced on wife-assault via aggression Also, stress influenced on wife-assault via marital communication and aggression. Witnessing inter-parental violence had direct relations with wife-assault. The result of this study summarized as followings; First, a various variables such as individual characteristics of husband, situational factors around the marital can influence simultaneously on bad marital relationship. Secondly, more worse marital relationship and stressful situations around husband, more activate husband's aggression. Thirdly, husband's aggression that is evoked by various antecedents can cause to lead his violent behavior to wife. Finally, an experience of witnessing inter-parental violence can have direct relation to wife-assault.

; pp.97-114

This study was carried out to investigate the conflict between justice of modern value and Incheong (humaneness) of traditional value in Korean society. The main reason for this conflict is that people judge and behave on their double standards. Study 1 examined the effects of authoritarian personality on social judgments in the conflict between justice and Incheong. Participants were presented with two kinds of scenarios - justice-centered and Incheong-centered scenarios involving either the relationship to superior or colleague, and they were asked to imagine themselves as the person of the scenarios and make their own judgments. The results showed that in justice-centered situations, low authoritarian people tended to judge fairly regardless of their relationship, but high authoritarian people tended to judge differently; they judge more benevolently to their superiors while judging more harshly to their colleagues. However, the difference between high and low authoritarian people was not significant in Incheong-centered situations. Study 2 investigated why high authoritarian people judge more benevolently to their superiors in justice-centered situations. The results demonstrated that in justice-centered situations, the low authoritarian people tended to judge fairly to their superiors regardless of their possible disadvantage resulting from their judgments, but high authoritarian people tended to judge more benevolently to their superiors on condition that they can benefit from the relationship to their superiors.

; ; pp.115-125

The notion of "happiness" was compared with a conceptually overlapping Eastern cultural idea of "bok" among 234 Korean college students and adults. Respondents nominated health and an optimistic personality as essential conditions for both happiness and bok. However, distinctions were also found between the two concepts. Whereas internal attributes such as self-satisfaction was emphasized in characterizing a happy person, more socially-oriented features (e.g., high social status) were strongly linked with a person blessed with bok. Also, people who personally preferred bok over happiness (16% of the sample) were more likely to believe that happiness was ultimately determined by external, chance forces than by self-efforts. Finally, those who emphasized the importance of personal effort in attaining happiness believed in the importance of having a positive inner state, and weighted this factor heavily in predictions of future happiness.

Jisun Lee(Yonsei University) ; Minyoung Kim(Yonsei University) ; Eunkook Suh(Yonsei University) pp.115-125

The notion of "happiness" was compared with a conceptually overlapping Eastern concept of "bok" among 234 Korean college students and adults. Respondents nominated health and optimistic personality as essential conditions for both happiness and bok. However, distinctions were also found between the two concepts. Whereas internal attributes such as self-satisfaction was emphasized in characterizing a happy person, more socially-oriented features (e.g., high social status) were strongly linked with a person blessed with bok. Also, people who personally preferred bok over happiness(16% of the sample) were more likely to believe that happiness was ultimately determined by external, chance forces than by self-effort. Finally, those who emphasized the importance of personal effort in attaining happiness believed in the importance of having a positive inner state, and weighted this factor heavily in predictions of future happiness.

; pp.127-153
; ; pp.155-186

Two experiments were performed to test the influence of information of the in-outgroup norms on the sexism(Exp.1) and the regional prejudice(Exp.2). Norms(equal norm advocating the affirmative action for women or Honam people /unequal norm advocating the opposit of the affirmative action for women or Honam people) and the group(ingroup/outgroup) of the participants were manipulated on the internet boards. Dependent variables were the explicit attitude regarding affirmation action policy and the IAT effect. In Exp.1 (N=160) and Exp.2 (N=118), Participants in the ingroup-equal norm condition showed more favorable attitude regarding the affirmative action policy than those in the ingroup-unequal norm condition. Results of the analysis of the IAT effects suggested that male participants in the ingroup-equal norm condition showed significantly less implicit prejudice than those in the ingroup-unequal norm condition. According to the multiple regression mediation analysis, the information of group norm of the ingroup in comparison with that of the outgroup affected the explicit attitudes through the mediation process in which the exposure to the ingroup norm changes the perception of people's tolerance of prejudice expression. However, this mediation effect was found for the implicit attitude measure in the regional prejudice, but not in the sexism. The theoretical and the practical implications of these findings were discussed.

Sang-Su Ahn(Ajou University) ; Hai-Sook Kim(Ajou University) ; Mi-Young Ahn(Ajou University) pp.155-186

Two experiments were performed to test the influence of information of the ingroup-outgroup norms on the sexism(Exp.1) and the regional prejudice(Exp.2). Norms(an equality norm advocating the affirmative action for women or Honam people /an unequality norm opposing the affirmative action for women or Honam people) and the group(ingroup/outgroup) of the participants were manipulated on the internet boards. Dependent variables were the explicit attitude regarding affirmation action policy and the IAT effects. In Exp.1 (N=160) and Exp.2 (N=118), participants in the ingroup-equality norm condition showed more favorable attitude regarding the affirmative action policy than those in the ingroup-unequality norm condition. The outgroup norms did not elicit any attitude change. Results of the analysis of the IAT effects suggested that male participants in the ingroup-equality norm condition showed significantly less implicit prejudice than those in the ingroup-unequality norm condition. The results of the multiple regression mediation analysis demonstrated that the information of the ingroup norm in comparison with the outgroup norm affected the explicit attitudes through the mediation process in which the exposure to the ingroup norm changed the perception of people's tolerance of prejudice expression. However, this mediation effect was found only for the implicit attitude measures of the regional prejudice, but not for the implicit measures of the sexism. The theoretical and the practical implications of these findings were discussed.

; pp.187-200

The previous research found that people tend to be reluctant to exchange their lottery tickets even with greater compensation, and this tendency has been explained with illusion of control, self-serving bias, and decision-making errors. The present research proposed and examined that the anticipated counterfactual thoughts and anticipated regret would be a major psychological mechanism underlying the error-like tendency. Participants motivated by many grand prizes played a series of computer games and were given an opportunity to select a lottery ticket in the middle of the computer game. The possibility of anticipated counterfactual thoughts and regret were manipulated by whether participants were exposed to the lottery number of the selected ticket or that of the unselected ticket when they expected that the wining number would be known in the future. Also, participants in the control group expected that the winning number would not be known and then didn't expect counterfactuals and regret. As hypothesized, Participants who were exposed to the unselected lottery number exchanged their lottery tickets more and were slower in the decision making than those who were exposed to the selected one and who were in the control group. The amount of compensation for giving up their lottery tickets were not different across the experimental conditions. The results were consistent with the proposition of the roles of anticipated counterfactuals and regret in reluctance to exchange lottery tickets and discussed with the functional perspective of anticipated affects in decision-making processes.

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology