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Vol.21 No.1

Endre Sjøvold(Norwegian University of Science and Technology) ; pp.19-34 https://doi.org/10.21193/kjspp.2007.21.1.002

The purpose of this paper is twofold:first it gives an overview of the “Systematizing Person-Group Relation” (SPGR) model and method, and second, it presents an empirical study based on data collected from Korean, Japanese, Norwegian and American workgroups. The samples of groups are compared by their pattern of social interaction using two different SPGR analyses:the field and predominant behavior (vector) analysis. THE FIDINGS INDICATE THAT THREE CULTURE GROUPS SHOW SIMILARITY OF INTERPERSONAL EVALUATION HOWEVER AMERICAN GROUPS SHOW AN EXCEPTION. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to leadership, strategy development, teambuilding, and conflict resolution. In addition the typical group dynamics for the four different cultures is described.

Endre Sjovold(Norwegian University of Science and Technology) ; Jae Ho Park(Yeungnam University) pp.19-34

The purpose of this paper is twofold : first it gives an overview of the "Systematizing Person-Group Relation" (SPGR) model and method, and second, it presents an empirical study based on data collected from Korean, Japanese, Norwegian and American workgroups. The samples of groups are compared by their pattern of social interaction using two different SPGR analyses: the field and predominant behavior (vector) analysis. THE FIDINGS INDICATE THAT THREE CULTURE GROUPS SHOW SIMILARITY OF INTERPERSONAL EVALUATION HOWEVER AMERICAN GROUPS SHOW AN EXCEPTION. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to leadership, strategy development, teambuilding, and conflict resolution. In addition the typical group dynamics for the four different cultures is described.


This study was performed to develop the anger management program and to verify the effect of the program. 24 offenders participated in this anger management program and 25 offenders(the control group members) are also included in this study. The change in self-esteem and anger score from pre-treatment to post-treatment was compared for participants group and the control group. The self-report measures were chosen for this study, The State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory(STAXI-K, Spielberger, 1988), Self-Esteem Scale(Rosenberg, 1965). To analyse these observed differences between the treatment and control groups, repeated measures analyses of variance were carried out with time of measurement(pre vs. post) as a within-subjects factor and group(treatment vs. control) as a between-subjects factor. Two leaders leaded participants group during twice a week for 6 weeks(total 12 session). Also, to check the participant's attitudes and satisfaction toward this program, questionnaires were carried out each session. The main results of this study were as follows. First, the results did show that prisoners receiving the anger management program(the treatment participant group) showed significantly greater improvement in state anger than the control group. Second, the results of trait-anger showed non significance. Third, the results did show that prisoners receiving the anger management program(the treatment participant group) showed significantly greater improvement in self-esteem than the control group. Forth, participant's responses to this program were reported positively. Finally, limitations of this study and suggestions for the future study are discussed.


This study was conducted to show communication correspondence between speakers and receivers in employing Korean numerical wording. In study 1, participants were required to estimate the numerical probability of Korean words selected from a Korean dictionary and scales in the Psychological Scaling Handbook in two contexts:no context condition and minimum context condition. Results showed corresponding numerical probability estimates of each of 56 probability-related words and phrases in Korean vocabulary. Generally they were reasonably consistent, but several words with similar meanings were different from standard deviations. Study 2 with additional rating data of the ranges of Korean probability-related words, which was conceptual replication of study 1, showed result consistent with study 1. These two studies are meaningful in that they supplied data of probability-related words in Korean. The implications of context effects on numerical probabilities in ordinary communication settings could be plausible and other suggestions for further studies were discussed.

Sergei Chaikovski ; pp.59-76 https://doi.org/10.21193/kjspp.2007.21.1.005

The present study investigated acculturative understanding of Korean social psychology of interpersonal interactions among Western sojourners in Korea. We examined 1) how the Western sojourners perceive social psychological characteristics of Koreans and 2) what types of individual differences influence this perception; we looked at the acculturation strategies (integration, separation, assimilation, & marginalization), the duration of stay, and Korean language proficiency. The acculturative understanding of Korean social psychology was assessed through critical incidents (CI) method. Eight CIs were constructed based on previous study and presented to 50 Western sojourners. The responses to the CIs were compared to those by Korean collegians. Response of Westerners who stayed more than six months was more similar to the response of Koreans than those who stayed less than six months. Westerners have a better comprehension for CIs that deal with issues concerning vertical relationships in Korean society than for CIs that deal with we-relationships (cheong, woori). Only those with some Korean language proficiency showed better understanding of cheong interactions. Four types of people using different acculturation strategy did not show any meaningful difference in their response to the CIs. Possible reasons for this no-difference were discussed.

Sergei Chaikovski(Chosun University) ; Gyuseog Han(Chonnam Nat. University) pp.59-76

The present study investigated acculturative understanding of Korean social psychology of interpersonal interactions among Western sojourners in Korea. We examined 1) how the Western sojourners perceive social psychological characteristics of Koreans and 2) what types of individual differences influence this perception; we looked at the acculturation strategies (integration, separation, assimilation, & marginalization), the duration of stay, and Korean language proficiency. The acculturative understanding of Korean social psychology was assessed through critical incidents (CI) method. Eight CIs were constructed based on previous study and presented to 50 Western sojourners. The responses to the CIs were compared to those by Korean collegians. Response of Westerners who stayed more than six months was more similar to the response of Koreans than those who stayed less than six months. Westerners have a better comprehension for CIs that deal with issues concerning vertical relationships in Korean society than for CIs that deal with we-relationships (cheong, woori). Only those with some Korean language proficiency showed better understanding of cheong interactions. Four types of people using different acculturation strategy did not show any meaningful difference in their response to the CIs. Possible reasons for this no-difference were discussed.


The purpose of this study was to investigate that behaviors of the victims and the bullies vary according to the level of social identity and social support. A questionnaire survey were conducted to 462 fifth and sixth grade students selected from two elementary schools. The results of this study are as follows. First, the higher the level of social identity, the lower the level of victimization. But the level of social identity did not affect the behavior of the bullies significantly. Second, the more social support they got, the lower the level of behavior of the victims and the bullies they had. Girls were more influenced by social support than boys and behavior of the victims was more affected by the level of social support than behavior of the bullies. Finally, the students who made poor academic performance, had few friends or were not popular with peers suffered greatly from school bullying. It seems to be important that sincere social supports from parents, teacher and peers are necessary and the guidance programs for increasing social identity in classroom should be developed as the prevention and treatment of bullying in elementary school. Also, further research will be needed about the variables which explain bullying of the boys and the features of bully/victim group.


This study investigated the effects of self-enhancement bias on intrapsychic and interpersonal aspects. Divided into 55 male and 51 female groups each of which comprised 4 classmates of the same sex, a total of 424 subjects participated in the study. These subjects assessed themselves and others in his or her group on Big-five personality items. This research defined the index of self-enhancement bias as a value that subtracts others' average assessment from one's own assessment. Findings were as follows. First, the subjects generally displayed self-abasement rather than self-enhancement. Second, subjective happiness was related to one's own assessment more than others' assessment whereas one's peer status was associated more with others' assessment than one's own assessment. Third, the overall self-enhancement bias turned out to exert a positive effect on subjective happiness but a negative effect on peer status. In terms of emotional stability and openness, finally, the more biased toward self-enhancement the subjects were, the more subjective happiness they showed. Meanwhile, self-enhancement bias was shown to have a negative effect on peer status in regard to emotional stability, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness. Namely, the self-enhancement bias in extroversion was less likely to be related to both subjective happiness and peer status while regarding emotional stability and openness, it was shown to have the dual function of a positive effect on subjective happiness and a negative effect on peer status.


This study was to investigate the differences of sex-role identity and of moral orientation between idiocentric and allocentric adolescents in Korea. From the total of 597 2nd-year high school students living in Seoul, 100 idiocentrics(20.8%) and 95 allocentrics(19.8%) were selected based on their INDCOL responses. As expected, (1) idiocentrics and allocentrics showed higher-levels of masculinity and of femininity sex-role identity than the other, respectively; (2) they reached higher-levels of justice-oriented and of care-oriented morality than the other, respectively; and (3) the overriding sex-role identity of each cultural-disposition-group mediates the development of their relevant moral orientation (especially femininity sex-role identity of allocentrics mediates the development of care-oriented morality level in this group). These results implicate that the pervasive type of moral orientation of a society is internalized as the sex-role identity level which is highly appreciated in that society is maturated.

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology