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Vol.4 No.1

Yang-Eun Jeong pp.1-13
Jae-Ho Park pp.15-43
Heung Hwa Ko(Department of psychology, Chung-Ang University) ; Yeon Ho Park(Department of psychology, Chung-Ang University) pp.45-58

This study was conducted to examine the communication effectiveness of comparative ads vs. noncomparative(traditional) ads, one-sided vs. two-sided message, and to find out the differences according to the levels of product attributes in terms of the attitudes. The hypotheses in this study were as follws : 1. Comparative ads would be more effective than noncomparative(traditional) ads, and two-sided message would be more effective than one-sided message. 2. Comparative ads would be more effective in two-sided than one-sided message, and noncomparative(traditional) ads would be more effective in one-sided than two-sided message. 3. The effect of product attributes would be highest on the medium level. Subjects in this study consisted of 192 undergraduates and were randomly assigned to 12 experimental treatments. Data collected were processed by SPSS(two-way and one-way ANOVA). The results were as follows : 1. There was significant main effect for the type of comparison only in affective component, but significant main effect for the type of message in cognitive, affective, and behavioral component respectively. 2. There was no significant interaction effect between the type of comparison and message. 3. There were no significant differences among the levels of product attributes.

Duck-Woong Hahn(Sungkyunkwan University) ; Baek-Hee Hahn(Kyungbuk National University) ; Chung-Nam Kim(Kyungsang National University) ; Han-Kee Seong(Sungkyunkwan University) pp.59-109

We assumed that an employee's performance in an organization was related to his perception of such factors as socio-economic environment, organizational structure and processes, job itself, personal characteristics, and personal life outside the oganization. Under this assumption, we attempted to abstract major determinants in predicting the performance from subfactors of these factors. The detailed procedures and findings of the four parts research are as follows. First, multiple regression analysis by 22 predictors was conducted to 462 bule-collars engaged in electronics industry. Multiple correlation coefficient(R) to performance predicted by all of 22 predictors was .588, therefore 34.6% of the performance variance could be explained by all predictors. Results of forward stepwise regression analysis showed that 6 predictors-motivation(R=.484), morale(R=.517), competence(R=.538), cognitive need satisfaction(R=.548), job communication with leader(.555) and loyalty to organization(R=.563)-had statistically significant multiple regression coefficient to performance. These 6 factors explained 31.6% of the performance variance, which meant only 3% of the variance was explained by 16 surplus predictors. Second, it was assumed that the constructs having significant regression coefficient to performance prediction of electronics industry blue-collars also might be important factors of performance in inudstrial organizations in general, without taking the effects of the industry-specific or the organizational hierarchy-specific factors into consideration. We tested the validity of this assumption by substituting the measures of each constructs for the multiple regression equation. Namely, the predicted performance level of each company were derived from the regression coefficients and means of each constructs, then whether these predictions were really correlated to actual performance ratings of each company or not was tested. The results showed significant Pearson correlation coefficient r=.782(p<.05) between the predicted values from multiple regression equation and the actual performance ratings. Third, another 281 blue-collars in the same electronics industry rated how much the content of each item affected their performance. We found, as the result, that 8 constructs-motivation(2.320), loyalty to organization(2.375), leader's comprehension of subordinates' jobs(2.244), morale(2.273), leader's support for goal setting(2.247) and feedback(2.244)-had effects upon performance. Four of these factors(motivation, morale, loyalty to organization and leader's comprehension of subordinates' jobs) were also found to have significant regression coefficient at multiple regression analysis. Finally, it was also found that age, marriage status, tenure and salary among 7 demographic variables are significantly related to the performance level.

Duck-Woong Hahn(Department of Industrial and Orgnization Psychology Sung Kyun Kwan University) ; Sang-Woog Lee(Department of Industrial and Orgnization Psychology Sung Kyun Kwan University) pp.111-153

Based upon the framework of multidimensional-causal approach to relationship development(Hahn, 1985, 1986a), a longitudinal study was performed to understand the process of friendship formation and development. 47 junior college students who successfully continued to make a intimate friendship and 33 noncontinuing subjects completed the questionnaire at the 3, 8, and 13 weeks during the first term after admission to the junior college. Questionnaire consisted of interpersonal behaviors, self-disclosures, attraction to the partner, and evaluation or judgement of relationship. On the whole, both the diversity of interpersonal behaviors and intimacy level of self-disclosure increased as the relationship progressed, but subjects who successfully continued to make a intimate friendship reported more behaviors, more self-disclosed, and were more attracted to the partner, compared with noncontinuing subjects. Equity about relationship, satisfaction, perceived liking, and expectation of being helped decreased for the noncontinuing subjects, but remained relatively unchanged in the continuing subjects. It was also found that while attraction to the partner was good predictor of the other aspects of friendship relationship in the earlier friendship development phase, satisfaction, expectation of being helped, and future anticipation with the relationship were more important predictors in the later phase. In addition, continuing subjects tended to make P&#x00D7;O interpersonal attribution and partner attribution for relationship maintenance, but for the noncontinuing subjects self-attributions were dominant as causes of relationship break-up. These results suggests that internal-external partition of attribution may be inappropriate for the intimate relationships.

Soo-Won Lee(Hanyang University) ; Young-Seok Park(Seoul National University) pp.155-181

The present study was designed to testify the qualitative difference between children and adults on reference dimensions in forming social attitude(School uniform vs. Private clothes about 'Clothes in School'). In experiment I, the difference between children and adults on belief structure about social objects was observed. That is, children have different reference dimension as their attitude differ. Pro-school uniforms form their attitude based on the control dimension [not control(-) control(+)], whereas pro-private clothes on the freedom dimension [not free(-)-free(+)]. Therefore they are set up in opposition to school uniform with private clothes on evaluative dimension[negative(-) positive(+)]. But adults have not different reference dimension as their attitude differ. They are set up in oppositision to school uniform with private clothes on descriptive dimension [control(P)-freedom(A)] That is, they judge school uniform to have control but not freedom, and private clothe; to have freedom but not control. In experiment II, the effects of the difference between children and adults of the reference dimensions on attitude formation were investigated.

Hyoun-Kab Chang(Department of Psychology, Yeung Nam University) ; Bong-Kyo Chung(Department of Psychology, Yeung Nam University) ; Ho-Chan Lim(Department of Psychology, Yeung Nam University) pp.183-196

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of early isolated rearing on the later susceptibility to stress ulcers. A/J strain mice were reared individually after weaning. The various stress-ulcer paradigms were employed to test isolation effects. Isolated mice showed less susceptibility to the ulcers in various stress paradigms. The intensity of stress being increased, the ulcer was more developed in all animals. This results suggest that the isolation-induced behavioral and physiological changes contributed to less susceptibility to stress-ulcers.

Dae-Shik Hong(Department of psychology, Sungshin Women's University) pp.197-211

Balance theory of predictions of missing relation in the triadic relations was revised and tested. It was assumed that: positive and negative relations are different from each other in the psychological properties. The hypothesis of present study was as follows : partial structures containing two positive relations will elicit approach and involvement responses, and therefore, will elicit the greatest balance effect and the least uncertainty. Partial structures containing more than one negative relations will elicit avoidance, noninvolvement and conflict, and therefore, will elicit similar small balance effect and great uncertainty. The predictions of P/0, P/X and 0/X relations supported the hypothesis. The reported reasons of predictions also supported the hypothesis. Subjects also attended to P/0, P/X and 0/X relations in addition to the balance of the situations and felt uncertainty by the lack of further information and possibility of attitude differences between P and 0. In the reported reasons of predictions, the proportions of the balance effect ranged from .39 to .15. It was suggested that concept of Newcomb's nonbalance should be generalized to the P/X and 0/X relations. The necessity of analysis of uncertainty in the prediction of the missing relations was emphasized.

Yoon-Chang Bach(Department of Psychology, Yonsei University) ; Gene Yoon(Department of Psychology, Yonsei University) pp.213-240

This study on the effect of watching aggressive films has two main purposes ; (1) to test Berkowitz's priming hypothesis that the primed aggressive thoughts and other associative emotions promote the eliciting probability of aggression ; (2) to conform the Zillmann's finding that the aggression expressed is mediated by physiological and emotional arousal. In addition, the effect of sex-role adjustment upon the aggression was tested. Seventy-two male college students were screened and selected by Bem Sex Role Inventory(BSRI)-and were allocated in one of the six conditions randomly. When the aggression was measured by the index of the electric shock intensity, there was no significant difference between Ss of aggressive film and Ss of neutral film. However, masculine Ss were more aggressive than androgynous Ss or feminine Ss. But when measured by the index of the electric shock duration, feminine Ss were the most aggressive, and Ss of aggressive film were more aggressive than Ss of neutral film. And the aggressive film caused the emotional and physiological arousal. In addition, by the method of path analysis, the aggression was proved to be affected by aggressive film only indirectly via emotional and physiological arousal. Therefore, the two major theoretical concerns, that is, the priming hypothesis that the aggressive film primes the other emotional elements and the Zillmann's finding that the aggression is mediated by arousal were supported.

Chong-Mok Lee(Department of Psychology, Chonnam National University) ; Han-Kee Park(Department of Psychology, Chonnam National University) pp.241-262

The present study is intended to construct a comprehensive scale of measuring job stress. The subjects were 319 white-collar employees working in a huge conglomerate. A battery of 137 items was administered to the subjects, and subjected to factor analysis. The analysis revealed five factors of 81 items ; a) physical environmental factor b) organizational factor c) job related factor d) extra-organizational factor and e) individual related factor. These five factors are still divisible into 15 subfactors. The construct validity of the scale was demonstrated by the matching between theoretical constructs and factor structures. Reliability of the scale, assessed by a split-half coeficient, was good (r=.847). Discussion is centered on the limitations of and the suggestions about using the scale in practical setting.

Shin-Ho Ahn(Pusan National University) ; Sang-Hee Lee(Pusan National University) pp.263-287

Deci's cognitive evaluation theory on intrinsic motivation asserts that the informational aspect of external events facilitates the internal perceived locus of causality and perceived competence, thus enhancing intrinsic motivation ; but that the controlling aspect facilitates the external perceived locus of causality, thus underminig intrinsic motivation. Positive verbal feedback(or praise) can be thought to have informational aspect. But Deci's several studies showed that, after praise, only male subjects enhanced their intrinsic motivation, but that female subjects undermined their intrinsic motivation. Deci explained these results that females interprete the praise as controlling, because of traditional sex-role socialization process. Zinser et al.(1982) reported similar results. The tasks used in the above experiments(Soma puzzle and Hidden Figure Test), however, seemed to be male-relevant in nature, and thus, the credibility of positive feedback(which informed that the subject were (the) most excellent on that task) was likely to be very low especially for female subjects. It is questioned whether if credibility of positive feedback is high, there is any sex differences in the role of informational aspect of positive verbal feedback. The studies on intrinsic motivation reported so far has ignored the importance of the individual's perceived value for the task. Praise for one's performance of the task with perceived value may have more influence on enhancing intrinsic motivation. The hypothesis of this, study is that the praise for the performance of the task valued by each sex can enhance each sex's intrinsic motivation for the task. It was assumed that Jigsaw puzzle, which showed very beautiful scenery when completed, would be valued by females, and that Tangram, which asked subjects to configurate given figures with geometric forms(triangles and rectangles), would be valued by males. 42male and 41 female college students did these two's kinds of puzzle, and received (1} no feedback, or (2) neutral feedback for one task(they were told that their performance was the same as, specifically, just above, the average), and positive feedback for the other task. Independent variables were the presence of the praise for the performance on the task(no praise, praise for the Jigsaw puzzle, or praise for the Tangram), subject sex(male, or female), and task order(Jigsaw puzzle prior to Tangram, or Tangrsam prior to Jigsaw puzzle). Dependent variables were duration that subject did each puzzle in free choice period, and self-reported interest in each task. The results of this study were as follows : (1) Praising females for the performance of Jigsaw puzzle enhanced intrinsic motivation, compared with no-feedback females, Tangram-praised females, or Jigsaw-praised males. (2) Praising males for the performance of Tangram did not enhance intrinsic motivation, compared with no-feedback males, Jigsaw-praised males, or Tangram-praised females. These results supported the hypothesis of this study only for females. Tangram did not seem to be as much valued by males as this study assumed.

Nam-Guk Cho(Korean Military Academy) pp.289-323

In the previous studies of military morale, the results were still insufficient with regard to the conceptualization and measurement. Their major causes were indirect approaches to the concept and the use of uni-dimesional analysis. In this study, therefore, military morale was directly approached to measure as a type of mood and multivariate analysis were used. For this purpose, the study consists of 2 parts. At first, 2 questionnaires for the measurement of morale factors and leadership styles were developed, in which the data were dealt with Principal-Axes Factor Analysis. In the second place, stepwisc Multiple Regression and Canonical Analysis were applied to look into the relationship between morale factors and leadership styles. These methods presented alternatives to determine the order of effective leadership styles in various aspects. These are improving as follows : 1) morale factors in seperate, 2) general morale in whole and 3) major morale factors. Especially, Canonical Analysis could offer a priority of goal setting for morale improving in general.

Geung-Ho Cho(Sogang University) pp.325-352

The purpose of the present study was to test the Dual-Aspect Model in Person-Evaluation Dimension(Cho, 1982a) in the context of the negativity effects in impression formation. For this purpose, two related experiments, in which the shortcomings of the previous study(Cho & Kim, 1987) were corrected, were conducted using college students as subjects. In Erperiment I, stimulus persons supposed to possess equal numbers) (one or two) of positive and negative traits were presented to two groups of subjects to form impressions in two different situations : one group in the information-dependent-situation and the other group in the effect-dependent-situation. The main dependent variables were the negativity effects of two different traits, NIs(negative intellectual traits) and NSs(negative social traits), in two dependent-situations. The results showed that the negativity effects of NIs were higher than those of NSs in the information-dependent-situation, while the negativity effects of NSs were higher than those of NIs in the effect-dependent-situation. In Experiment II, the same stimulus persons from the first experiment were presentd to two groups to form impressions in two different dimensions : one group in the good-bad dimension(favorability dimension) and the other group in the like-dislike dimension{likability dimension). The main dependent variables of this experiment were, as in the first one, the negativity effects of NIs and NSs in two impression-dimensions. It was found from this experiment that the negativity effects of NIs and NSs were higher than those of the others in the favorability dimension and the likability dimension respectively. These results suggest that the Dual-Aspect Model in Person-Evaluation Dimension(Cho, 1982a) is empirically supported also in experiments dealing with negativity effects over again(Cho & Kim, 1987 : Cho, 1988a, the present study) as well as in other experiments of impression-integration(Cho, 1982b, 1983) and of person-memory(Cho, 1984, 1985, 1986).

Dong-Gi Kim(Kangnam Social Welfare College) pp.353-369

The present study was intended to analyse developmental characteristics in attribution on moral persons and behaviors. The study was aim at examining qualitative characteristics in the attributional schemas according to Piagetian-Kohlbergian moral development models by analysing qualitatively attributional characteristics of interpretational responses to moral behavior settings given as stimulus scenarios. The stimulus scenarios describing four elementary moral behariors(honesty, orderliness, responsibility, courtesy) and four altruistic behaviors(assistance, charity, helping, sharing) were presented to the total of all subjects in the ages between 5 and 17. The result and their interpretations are synoptically described below. Attributional schemas on moral behaviors tended to reveal consistency in terms of schematic quality across the areas of moral and altruistic behavior in each group, but also to manifest developmental changes with the increase of age. A quantitative analysis of attributional responses also coincide with the above results of qualitive analysis that the age of 10 is the transformational period in attributional development. The analysis of attributional responses by applying Piagetian scheme of morality development generally supported the Piagetian model in terms of moral development sequence. The comparison of Kohlberg's model and the present data showed consistency in the ages of preconventional and conventional levels in moral development.

Kyung-Hwan Min(Department of Psychology, Seoul National University) pp.369-401

Sung-Soo Chang(Department of Education, Han-Yang National University) pp.403-437

The present study was designed to contrast two major distribution principles : the equity principle and the equality principle. It was proposed that group cohesiveness is an important condition which determines a person's preference of the distribution principles. It was also proposed that such preference would be effective both in allocation behavior and in reactions to injustice caused by imposing a non-preferred distribution priniple. The following two hypoheses were tested. (1) The equality principle will be preferred when group cohesiveness is high, but the equity principle will be preferred when group cohesiveness is low. (2) People will try to eliminate inequality rather than inequity when group cohesiveness is high, but they will try to eliminate inequity rather than inequality when group cohesiveness is low. In order to test the hypothesis(1) experiment I was conducted. In this experiment, subjects participated as a four-person unit and performed a simple task as a two-person group. Group cohesiveness was manipulated by assigning subjects to either group competition condition(high group cohesiveness condition) or individual competiton conditon(low group cohesiveness condition), and input level was manipulated by giving subjects false feedback on their task performance. The design was a group cohesiveness levels(high and low)&#x00D7;input level (high and low) factorial design and the dependent variable was the kind of the distribution principle employed when subjects allocated tokens to ingroup members. The results supported the hypothesis(1). The experiment II was conducted to test the hypothesis(2). In this experiment, subjects performed two tasks and were allocated outcomes for the first tasks according to either the equity principle or the equality principle, thus creating the state of injustice from the standpoint of one of the distribution principles. The subjects in this experiment were given opportunity to eliminate the state of injustice through adjusting their performance level(in put) for the second task. The dependent variable was the number of questions attemp ted in the second task. The results were consistent with the hypothesis(2). Thus, all the hypotheses were supported in the experiments, providing strong evidence for the relationship between group cohesiveness and the preference of distribution principles. The implications of the present study was viewed in the context of the equity principle theory versus multi-principle theory issue. Also, the limitations of the present study and the necessity of the further research were discussed.

Gil-Gyeun Yoon(Department of Preschool Education, Bucheon Technical College) pp.439-451

It was predicted that individuals whose attitudes have been low intra-attitude variability would be predicted well from their attitudes, but high intra-attitude variability would be predicted well from their subjective norms. It was found that intra-attitude variability factors were capable of altering the nature of the model significantly. Subjective Norms carried a nonsignificant weight under low intra-attitude variability set conditions. The implications of the results for the Intra-attitude variability and for the attitude-behavior consistency controversy were discussed.

Jae-Hong Ko(Department of Psychology, Kyung Nam University) pp.453-472

The present paper concerned with the effects of inconsistent and consistent behavioral informations with a target' general impression on processing time, attributional direction, and recall. Specifically, by means of two related experiments the hypotheses that the reason of superior recall effect of inconsistent informations that many experimental results(eg, Srull, 1981) have been shown is a causal reasoning process of those informations were tested. In experiment 1, not only was the recall ratio of inconsistent informations greater than that of consistent informations, but the mean processing time(measured by reading time) of inconsistent informations was longer than that of consistent informations as would be expected. But according to the results of analysis of covariance in experiment 1, the difference of recall ratios between two types of informations could not explained by their processing time alone. This results suggests that besides the difference in processing time, some other mechanisms were involved in superior recall effect of inconsistent informations. In experiment 2, the causal attributional directions of behavioral informations that inconsistent or consistent with a target's general impression were examined. The former case was attributed to a situational cause rather than did a dispositional cause, the latter case was reversed. The relationships of attribution and recall of behavioral informations and impression of a target person were discussed in a general model of social cognitive domain.

Young-Seok Park(Department of Psychology, Seoul National University) pp.473-498

Three experiments were carried out to test the dimensinality of job-factors. Experiment I was designed to test the unipolar dual dimensionality(Herzberg, Mausner, & Snyderman, 1959) and the bipolar single dimensionality(Locke, 1976) of job-factors. Experiment II and III were designed to test the bipolar dual dimensionality of job-factors. In experiment I, the results supported the previous two theories partially. That is, the unipolar dual dimension theory was accepted only in the structure of job-factors, and the bipolar single dimension theory was accepted only in the polarity of dimension. Two factors in job-factors were also identified by factor analytic method in this experiment : One is individual-demands factor such as recognition, achievement, advancement, possibilty of growth, salary, status, job security, and personal life. The other is organizational-demands factor such as supervision, responsibility, amounts of work, work conditions, organizational policy and management, and three interpersonal relations with supervisors, with coworkers, and with subordinates. In experiment II, the bipolar dual dimensionality was verified. Individual-demands factor was more explained by individual satisfaction-dissatisfaction dimension, and organizational-demands factor more by organizational profitloss dimension. In experiment III, it was observed that the lower the organizational tenure stages, the higher the expected mismatch between individual and organization in the exchange level of individual-demands factor. And it was also observed the trend that the higher the stages the higher the expected mismatch between them in the exchange level of organizational-demands factor. Additionally two hypothetial dimensions, demands-congruence dimension and demands-exchange dimension which were combined by individual-demands dimension and organizational-demands dimension, were observed. The implications of these findings for job redesign, individual-organizational conflict, and individual-organizational goal congruence were discussed.

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology